Overcoming the limiting beliefs on creating content

Overcoming the limiting beliefs on creating content

Are you wondering how to make your content stand out in this competitive tech industry?

This post shares some tips about creating content effectively.

Problem #1: I don't have enough expertise - The imposter syndrome


Everyone has to get through this.

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This is one of the common limiting beliefs that many people have.

Author, Beau Norton of serve100circle.com says you have to be just a few steps ahead of the reader/follower.

you might have figured out the path, that could help the people who are starting out.

For example, you don't have to an expert at something, to answer questions, or to write a blog post.

What is so simple to you might be a big headache for them that day! Your tips could save someone's day.

Start sharing your knowledge, it can be Reddit, StackOverflow, or Twitter.

Problem #2: I don't know what to write next

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The solution:

You need to create the buyer personas and a content strategy

I got you, you're not a marketer.

But you have to be clear with your target audience and goals.

If you are blogging about Flutter then Flutter developers could be your audience.

You have to further narrow it down.

List down the interests, problems, solutions of your target audience. Segment them based on their skill level, role, etc.

Then you will get a clear picture of your target audience.

Create a content strategy that has the solutions or tips for the pain points of your target audience.

The common types of content

  • How-to posts
  • Industry insights
  • Interviews
  • List posts
  • Opinions/discussions

You can produce volumes of content with these different types.

Problem #3: I don't have followers

Should you build the followers first or creating content?

You might ask If the blog new, who is going to visit and read it?

The answer is simple.

Readers cannot read an empty page. Start with sharing your ideas. First, create the content, then you'll get better at it and the followers' count will go high in course of time.

Syndicate your content in developer communities and social media. These platforms increase the odds of your content read by your target audience.

Problem #4: I am not good at writing


Tell a story

Telling your story, the conflict, and how you solved it in your own style makes the content unique.

You can share your own experiences or others' stories from the talks you attended or the blog you read.

Sam Julien shares his story in his weekly newsletter called "Developer Microskills"

Stories not only get the attention but also allows you to connect with the audience.

This HubSpot video explains storytelling and content in detail

Problem #5: I am getting fewer engagements


Add your personal touch to the content.

Ask thought-provoking questions at the end.

Let the readers share their views and continue the discussion.

You cannot fulfill everyone's expectations. So take only constructive feedback and improve.

The more your audience resonates with you, the more the engagements.


Writing requires a lot of reading.

It will broaden your views.

You can start by reading newsletters.

Yes, newsletters! as they are free, with little or no ads, you can consider reading them. No one likes to lose a subscriber, so newsletters are getting valuable and better day by day.

Take some time to read, and creating content.

Be consistent with creating content, it will do the marketing for you.

Land on the dream job, increase your rates, and get more sales with content.

Which of the problem that you encountered? Did I miss anything?

Let me know in the comments below.